Kaylie Maddux University of Colorado Colorado Springs
Kaylie is pursuing a Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs. After graduating from high school, she attended community college and earned an AS in Physics from Pikes Peak Community College. She then transferred to UCCS... Read more
The College of Engineering and Applied Science (EAS) at University of Colorado Colorado Springs enrolls more than 1,700 students and offers 23 engineering and computer science degrees, ranging from bachelor to doctoral. The college is a Department of Homeland Security / National Security Agency Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber... Read more
I tend to forget what a busy time fall is for ARCS Colorado (that may be a good thing!). We’ve held all six meet and greet sessions, and we again have amazing scholars. Not only do those young scientists remind me that all of the work is worthwhile, they bring... Read more
Kathryn Miller has a passion for working with young people and loves helping to launch scholars into their college and professional careers. With a degree in Speech and Speech Education from Northwestern University she served on Northwestern’s Alumni Admissions Council for over 20 years. As a sales and marketing professional... Read more
The return of our in-person ARCS Gala, “Celebrating Science” 2022, was a huge success. Over $100,000 was raised to support our scholars thanks to the hard work of the Gala Chair, Sonnie Talley, her committee and Joan Obert, V.P. Programs. 120 members, guests, and scholars enjoyed a wonderful evening May... Read more
On December 11, 2020, long-time Colorado Chapter ARCS’ advocate Laura Shepard Churchley continued her family’s legacy of creating history in space. As she climbed aboard Blue Origin’s “New Shepard” rocket, she, and her father before her, became the first father and daughter to experience space flight. Blue Origin named the... Read more
Colorado State University is working to address the health impacts of wildfire smoke, one of the many challenges of the devastating wildfires occurring in our state and around the country. CSU researchers will receive nearly $1 million from the Environmental Protection Agency to expand air quality monitoring in communities impacted by... Read more