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New Member Spotlight: Jeannie Lindley

Posted on Sunday, September 19, 2021

Jeannie Lindley’s love of science was sparked in high school by teachers who encouraged her to do field work abroad and to embrace environmental advocacy.  Teaching became her focus after exploring Teaching Assistant positions within the University of Colorado at Boulder’s Environmental, Population, Organismic Biology BA program. 
As a dedicated educator, Jeannie has enjoyed a wide variety of roles from teaching science in grades 7-12 at Saint Mary’s Hall ( San Antonio, Texas ) and at Kent Denver School, serving as an advisor, leading service learning/ outdoor education programs, and coaching field hockey and soccer.   In recent years, substitute teaching, tutoring, and coaching have been positive avenues for her to challenge students to think independently while also valuing collaboration.
Jeannie continues to be inspired by the voices and innovation of young adults to address numerous challenges facing our natural world.  She enjoys volunteer work, sports, and outdoor family adventures with her husband and two children. 

Jeannie Lindley